
Midland Fine Framing


The Midlands Professional Picture Framers


About us

Midland Fine Arts was established in 1992. Its purpose was to supply frames and pictures at economical prices to the general public through weekend functions at various pre-determined locations across the country.

From Inverness to Redruth, Aberystwyth to Lowestoft and pretty much everywhere in between we visited every major town and city in the UK.

In 2000 things changed. The business was sold and taken over with a new approach.

The emphasis now was solely on the supply of frames and associated products.  hardware, mount card, hanging systems bevel cut mounts, etc. This was still done through a reduced network of weekend functions, but we were now also moving into wholesale and volume framing.

As the business began to grow into this area, we were able to achieve greater buying power and become ever more economical with our prices. This was increasingly important as more and more large high street discount stores were selling frames.

Because of our travels around the country, and contacts we had made, coupled with excellent quality and attention to detail, we were starting to become the favoured supplier of frames and mounts into many camera clubs and art societies countrywide.

To supply these customers, postage was starting to become extremely popular and once our ebay shop kicked in, it became a full-time job just to fulfil postal orders.

Word was spreading fast, and more and more new and existing customers were wanting their own artwork framed. As this area continued to grow also, it was becoming more and more essential to provide a website that people could refer to in order to get an idea of what we can actually supply and demonstrate the services that we provide.

This is where the idea for Midland Fine Framing came in and this site will take us forward again and help us continue to provide top quality goods and services to customers throughout the country.

Simon Chandler


Simon took the reigns of Midland Fine Arts in May 2000 and pushed the company forward into new areas. Always looking for new opportunities to expand the business, while continuing to look after our existing customer base.

“Customer service is always at the top of our list, a happy customer is a returning customer”

Becky Chandler

Becky started work for Midland Fine Arts in 2010 and has strived to expand the online side of the business.

She has looked after our Ebay shop since she started and has now progressed to office manager where she deals with all aspects of online, telephone and walk-in bespoke framing order processing. She is always happy to help where she can..

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